The 'Smokey Circles' preset goes from blue and green to yellow and orange first, then later to other arrangements of those colors. Windows Spectrum Visualizations Windows Media Player (Pocket PC) Free View integrated audio and video. Actually, Sticky Keys XP recently as of 2018 discovered Plenoptic has full screen controls if you use it on a Windows XP computer with Windows Media Player 9 Series without a graphics card driver installed (Standard VGA Driver). Free Add original and exciting visualizations to Windows Media Player.
Unfortunately, this visualization, like Ambience, Musical Colors, Particle, and Spikes, was removed because it had problems with full-screen controls for versions 11 and 12. This kind of visualization was a paint look-a-like. Plenoptic was a visualization for Windows Media Player versions 7-10. On Windows XP in WMP9 Series in which the graphics card driver is not installed. You can also download more visualizations from the Internet.
There used to be a downloadable 3D Spin-off, known as 3D Alchemy, that was created after. The Plenoptic visualization, set to the 'Smokey Circles' preset.Īlchemy, Ambience, Battery, Musical Colors, Trilogy The Player includes a number of visualizations. by raul Supports Minimum MusicBee 3 Alchemy (formerly known as 'Tolerance') is a current visualization from the Ambience Family in Windows Media Player.